Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reflection 4/14/11: The Whole Class On Trial

You read that correctly. All but one of us was on trial today for not doing our intern hours. Granted, I believe that some of us had some decent excuses, but we all know excuses don't fly in Judge Dr. Chris' Court. So, many of us were sentenced to "community service" to redeem ourselves. Doc Chris, this better be good enough. Below I am posting 5 videos of interviews with your Sight, Sound, Motion class, including one I did with you. They're probably pretty poor quality, but they were completed.

You've got some characters in your class, Doc Chris. That's all I have to say about that.

Additionally, here is a video of the speaker whose lecture we attended before those interviews were taken. I tend to be super bored at these types of lectures, but this guy was fantastic. Really engaging and interesting. He knew his stuff and was really current as well.

In addition to that, we filmed an interview today with the author [Iforgethisfirstname] Goodman about his new book, Tracks, which is a series of stories about a group of people on a train from Baltimore. I got to work the camera cutting board (I'm sure that has a more official name, but I don't know what it is) for the second take, which was pretty cool. And this guy's book sounds really interesting, too. I might actually pick it up and give it a read when it comes out.

Oh, and we shot for our commercial today. We got a lot of really good/hilarious footage! Can't wait to put it all together.

How's that for a blog post, Doc Chris? I AM SO NOT A SLACKER.

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